Scenic Tazewell County in the fall

Strategic Plan 2025-2027

A Message from ERFC Executive Director

A three-month collaborative process has culminated in the development of the ERFC 2025-2027 Strategic Plan. This strategic plan represents a significant milestone in our journey toward enhancing the supplemental retirement system for Fairfax County Public Schools employees and ensuring its sustainability and effectiveness in the years to come. 

Throughout this intensive process, which involved stakeholders from across the organization, we have identified four key strategic objectives that will guide our efforts moving forward: Excellent Governance, Impactful Member Experience, Effective Operations, and Purposeful Education. Each of these objectives plays a crucial role in shaping the future direction of our organization and in achieving our overarching goal of making ERFC the best it can be. 

I am proud to say that the commitment and dedication demonstrated by our employee team throughout this process have been truly exemplary. As Executive Director, I want to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to working hand in hand with the Board of Trustees, our partners at the Fairfax County school system, and all relevant stakeholders to realize the objectives outlined in our strategic plan. By fostering a spirit of collaboration and cooperation, we will harness our collective expertise and resources to drive meaningful change and create a retirement system that truly serves the needs of our members. Together, we can make a lasting impact and ensure a secure future for all those who rely on our supplemental retirement system.

Ryk Tierney, CEBS
ERFC Executive Director