Performs a variety of professional duties required to plan, develop, and implement retirement services; supports all ERFC retirement plans, including the delivery of complex and/or sensitive plan information; provides leadership in escalated situations to employees and retirees to facilitate resolutions; coordinates legal reviews and ensures that account updates based on legal guidance are timely; collects, analyzes, and provides reporting; tracks and audits member statements, deferred vested member retirement information, and claims; develops and provides professional development to staff.
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Leads and directs all development, management, evaluation, and modification of the multifaceted activities, programs, projects, personnel, and fiscal resources Educational Employees' Retirement System of Fairfax County (ERFC), a local defined benefit pension, with assets in excess of three billion dollars; develops, manages, supervises, evaluates, and modifies all activities, programs, projects, personnel, and physical and fiscal resources of the office; reports directly to the ERFC Board of Trustees; serves as a spokesperson to the Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) School Board, Division Superintendent, and Leadership Team.
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